Problems during iPod playback
Symptom Cause Action
iPod doesn’toperate correctly. Cables are incorrectlyconnected. Disconnectthe cable fromiPod.Once iPod
main menuis displayed, connectthe cable
Resetthe iPod.
The iPod versionis old. Update theiPodversion.
Problems during multi-channel processor connection
Symptom Cause Action (See)
No soundsare heard.
The volumelevel will notrise.
Optical cablesare not connected
Connect thecables correctly.
Even ifmulti-channel audio is
selected, 2-channelaudio is out-
Digital outputsetting is setto Line-
ar PCM.
Normally,set thedigital output settingto
Stream.(Page 48)
Error messages
When you contact your dealer or your nearest Pioneer Service Center, be sure to have the error
message recorded.
Built-in DVD player
Message Cause Action
DifferentRegion Disc The discdoes nothave the samere-
gion numberas this unit
Replacethe DVD videowith one bearingthe
correct regionnumber.
Error-02-XX/FF-FF Dirty disc Clean disc.
Scratched disc Replacedisc.
The discis loaded upsidedown Check thatthe disc isloaded correctly.
Electrical ormechanical PressRESET.
Unplayable Disc This typeof disc cannotbe played
by thisunit
Replacethe disc withone this unitcan play.
The inserteddisc does notcontain
any filesthat can beplayed back
Protect All thefiles on theinserted discare
secured byDRM
Skipped The inserteddisc contains WMA
files thatare protected byDRM
Temp The temperature ofthis unit isout-
side thenormal operating range
Wait until theunit’s temperature returnsto
within normaloperating limits.
Rental Expired. The inserteddisc that containsex-
pired DivXVOD content.
File Not-Playable- High Defi-
The inserteddisc contains highdefi-
nition DivXfile.
This unitcannot play DivXHD file. Replace
the discwith onethis unit canplay.
Additional Information
Additional Information