! It may take a few seconds beforeyou can hear
anything while this unit acquires and pro-
cesses the satellite signal when youchange
the source to SIRIUS tuner or selecta
! Display changes as follows when youswitch
channels or operate in other ways. The text of
selected display is automatically scrolled.
Channel nameSelected display.
For details,refer to Switching the SIRIUS
display on this page.
Switching the SIRIUS display
% Touch DISP to switch the SIRIUS display.
Each time you touch DISP changes the SIRIUS
display in the following order:
Channel numberChannel nameChannel
CategoryArtist name/featureSong/pro-
gram titleComposer
When you switch the display, the text is automati-
cally scrolled.
Storing and recalling
broadcast stations
If you touch any of the preset tuning keys
P1-P6 you can easily store up to six broadcast
stations for later recall with the touch of a key.
% When you find a station that you want
to store in memory keep touching a preset
tuning key P1-P6 until PCH SET is displayed.
The selected station has been stored in mem-
The next time you touch the same preset tun-
ing key P1-P6 the station is recalled from
# When the touch panel keys are notdisplayed,
you can display them by touching thescreen.
# When P1-P6 are not displayed, youcan dis-
play them by touching LIST.
Up to 18 stations, six for each of three SIRIUS
bands can be stored in memory.
Selecting the SIRIUS
channel select mode
You can switch the channel select mode to
either selecting with channel number or with
% Touch MODE to select the desired chan-
nel select mode.
Touch MODE repeatedly to switch between
the following channel select modes:
CH-Number (channel number select)
Category (channel category select)
Selecting the channel in the
channel category
Channels are organized into various program
categories, e.g. Rock, Classic, Jazz. You can
specify channels by selecting the desired
1 Touch MODE to select the channel cate-
gory select mode.
Touch MODE repeatedly to switch between
the following channel select modes:
CH-Number (channel number select)
Category (channel category select)
SIRIUS Satellite Radio