Please be awarein advance that Pioneer will not
respond to questionsconcerning the contents
of the source code.
This licence was originallywritten in English
and translated hereonly to help the reader
understand its content.Therefore, please note
that translated licenceis NOT legally identified
with the originalEnglish text.
This copy of thelibpng notices is provided for
your convenience. Incase of any discrepancy
between this copyand the notices in thefile
png.h that is includedin the libpng distribution,
the latter shallprevail.
If you modify libpngyou may insert additional
notices immediately followingthis sentence.
This code isreleased under the libpng license.
libpng versions 1.2.6,August 15, 2004, through
1.5.0, January 6, 2011, areCopyright (c) 2004,
2006-2010 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, andare dis-
tributed according tothe same disclaimerand li-
cense as libpng-1.2.5with the following
individual added tothe list of Contributing Au-
Cosmin Truta
libpng versions 1.0.7,July 1, 2000, through 1.2.5
- October 3, 2002,are Copyright (c) 2000-2002
Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and are distributedac-
cording to thesame disclaimer and license as
libpng-1.0.6 with thefollowing individuals added
to the listof Contributing Authors
Simon-Pierre Cadieux
Eric S. Raymond
Gilles Vollant
and with thefollowing additions to the disclaim-
There is nowarranty against interference with
your enjoyment of thelibrary or against infringe-
ment. There isno warranty that our effortsor
the library will fulfill anyof your particular pur-
poses or needs. This library is providedwith all
faults, and the entirerisk of satisfactory quality,
performance, accuracy, andeffort is with the
libpng versions 0.97,January 1998, through
1.0.6, March 20,2000, are Copyright (c) 1998,
1999 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, andare distrib-
uted according tothe same disclaimer and li-
cense as libpng-0.96,with the following
individuals added tothe list of Contributing Au-
Tom Lane
Glenn Randers-Pehrson
Willem van Schaik
libpng versions 0.89,June 1996, through 0.96,
May 1997, areCopyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas
Dilger Distributed accordingto the same dis-
claimer and license aslibpng-0.88, with the fol-
lowing individuals addedto the list of
Contributing Authors:
John Bowler
Kevin Bracey
Sam Bushell
Magnus Holmgren
Greg Roelofs
Tom Tanner
libpng versions 0.5,May 1995, through 0.88, Jan-
uary 1996, are Copyright (c)1995, 1996 Guy Eric
Schalnat, Group 42,Inc.
For thepurposes of this copyright and license,
"Contributing Authors" isdefined as the follow-
ing set ofindividuals:
Andreas Dilger
Dave Martindale
Guy Eric Schalnat
Paul Schmidt
Tim Wegner
The PNG Reference Library is supplied "AS IS".
The Contributing Authorsand Group 42, Inc. dis-
claim all warranties,expressed or implied, in-
cluding, without limitation,the warranties of
merchantability and offitness for any purpose.
The Contributing Authorsand Group 42, Inc. as-
sume no liabilityfor direct, indirect, incidental,
special, exemplary, orconsequential damages,
which may result fromthe use of the PNGRefer-
ence Library, evenif advised of the possibilityof
such damage.
Permission ishereby granted to use, copy, modi-
fy, anddistribute this source code,or portions
hereof, for any purpose,without fee, subject to
the following restrictions:
1. The originof this source code must notbe
2. Altered versionsmust be plainly marked as
such and mustnot be misrepresented as being
the original source.
3. This Copyrightnotice may not be removedor
altered from anysource or altered source distri-
The Contributing Authorsand Group 42, Inc.
specifically permit, withoutfee, and encourage
the use of thissource code as a componentto
supporting the PNGfile format in commercial
products. If you usethis source code in aprod-
uct, acknowledgment isnot required but would
be appreciated.
A "png_get_copyright" functionis available, for
convenient use in"about" boxes and the like:
Also, the PNGlogo (in PNG format, ofcourse) is
supplied in the files"pngbar.png" and
"pngbar.jpg (88x31) and"pngnow.png" (98x31).
Libpng is OSI CertifiedOpen Source Software.
OSI Certified OpenSource is a certification
mark of the OpenSource Initiative.
Glenn Randers-Pehrson
glennrp at users.sourceforge.net
January 6, 2011
Additional information
Additional information