Black plate (36,1)
! AutoEQ changesthe audio settings as fol-
— The fader/balancesettings return to the
center position.(Refer to Using fader/bal-
ance adjustment onpage 29.)
— The equalizercurve switches to Flat.
(Refer toRecalling equalizer curves on
page 29.)
— The front,center and rear speakers will
automatically be adjustedto a high pass
filter setting.
! Previoussettings for auto EQ willbe overwrit-
! Connecta microphoneextension cable (sold
separately) to theAUX input in advance.
Performing auto EQ
1 Stop the carin a place that isquiet, close
all the doors,windows and sun roof,and
then turn the engineoff.
If the engine isleft running, engine noise may
prevent correct autoEQ.
2 Fix the optionalmicrophone in the center
of the headrestof the driver’s seat, facing
The auto EQmay differ depending on whereyou
place the microphone.If desired, place the mi-
crophone on thefront passenger seat to carry
out auto EQ.
3 Turn the ignitionswitch to ON or ACC.
If the car’s air conditioner or heateris turned on,
turn it off. Noise fromthe fan in the aircondi-
tioner or heatermay prevent correct auto EQ.
4 Press the homebutton to switch tothe
home display.
5 Touchthe system key to openthe system
6 TouchAuto EQ Measurement toenter
auto EQ measurement mode.
7 Plug the microphone into the AUXinput
jack on thisunit.
AUX input
Extension Cable
(Sold separately)
8 TouchStart to start auto EQ.
9 When the 10-secondcountdown starts,
get out ofthe car and close thedoor within
10 seconds.
A measurement tone(noise) is emitted from the
speakers, and autoEQ measurement begins.
When auto EQis completed, The measurement
has finished. Pleasedisconnect the micro-
phone and thenpush HOME key. isdisplayed.
When the car’s interior acoustic characteristics
cannot be measuredcorrectly, an errormessage
will be displayed.(Refer to Understanding auto
EQ error messages onpage 51.)
# Ittakes aboutnine minutesfor auto EQmeasure-
ment tobe completedwhen allthe speakers arecon-
# Tostop autoEQ, touchStop.
10 Store the microphonecarefully in the
glove compartment oranother safe place.
If the microphone issubjected to direct sunlight
for an extendedperiod, high temperatures may
cause distortion, colorchange or malfunction.
Setting the video signal
When you connectthis unit to an AV equipment
to this unit,select the suitable video signalset-
! Asthis function isinitially set to Auto, the
unit will automaticallyadjust the video signal
! You can operate thisfunction only for the
video signal inputinto the AVinput.
1 Press the homebutton to switch tothe
home display.
2 Touchthe system key to openthe system
3 TouchVideo Signal Setting on thefunc-
tion menu.
Video Signal Settingitems are displayed.
! AV –Adjusts theAV videosignal
! AUX– Adjuststhe AUXvideo signal
! Camera– Adjuststhe rear viewcamera video
4 Touchc or d to select thedesired video
signal appears.
System settings
System settings