
If you stray from the route
If, for any reason, you stray from the suggested route, you can automatically search the route
to get back on track. This function is called “Auto Reroute”, and you can set it On or Off in
the Settings menu. For details, see Chapter 5.
If “Auto Reroute” is set “Off” and the display is in modes except “Map Mode” and “Driver’s
View”, when you stray from the route, the display automatically switches to “Map Mode”
and a map of your surroundings appears.
If the new route requires you to travel in the opposite direction to your current heading,
guidance informing you that you need to turn around to get back to the route is displayed.
If you stray from the route being guided, and enter a new street not recorded in the disc,
the Navigation System automatically switches to “Map View”.
If you stop during the route guidance
If you stop at a gas station, or a restaurant during the route guidance, your Navigation System
remembers your destination and route information. When you start your car engine again, the
route guidance resumes from your current location.
If you parked off the set route, the route guidance resumes when you return to the set route.
Also the estimated time of arrival or travel time to your destination reappears when you
return to the set route.