©1993-2001 Navigation Technologies B. V. All rights reserved
This data includes information taken with permission from Canadian authorities, including © Her Maj-
esty the Queen in Right of Canada, © Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
© GDT, Geographic Data Technology, Inc. All rights reserved
© 2002 DENSO CORPORATION, All rights reserved
© 2001 Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N. V. All rights reserved
Map Database :
The entire United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) and portions of Canada are contained in one
disc. The United States map database includes the interstate freeways, state highways, country roads,
major and general streets. The Canadian map database includes some of the highways, country roads,
major and general streets. The Canadian map may show a higher level of detail in large populated areas
than in less populated areas.
Detailed Areas :
The detailed areas are primarily located around metropolitan centers. All of the roads and the road net-
work attributes are contained in the map database for these detailed areas. Road network attributes
include information such as street names, street address, turn restrictions, etc. A detailed area will
include all major highways, service roads, and residential roads. The detailed areas include points of
interest (POI). The map database may not include data for newly constructed areas or map database cor-
rections that are completed after the production of the disc. The Navigation System will provide full
route guidance in the detailed map areas.