9. Miscellaneous.
This is the exclusive and complete Agreement between Tele Atlas
and you regarding its subject matter. Nothing in this Agreement
shall create a joint venture, partnership or principal-agent rela-
tionship between Tele Atlas and you. The internal laws of Califor-
nia shall govern this Agreement and you consent to the
jurisdiction of the Northern District of California or the State of
California for the County of Santa Clara. Sections 2 – 4 and 7 – 11
shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. This
Agreement may be amended, altered, or modified only by Tele
Atlas. You may not assign any part of this Agreement without Tele
Atlas’ prior written consent. You acknowledge and understand
that the Data may be subject to restrictions on exportation and
agree to comply with any applicable export laws. In the event that
any provision or part of a provision of this Agreement is deter-
mined to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, such provision or
part thereof shall be stricken from this Agreement and the
remainder of this Agreement shall be valid, legal, and enforceable
to the maximum extent possible. Any notice under this Agreement
shall be delivered by courier to Tele Atlas North America, Inc.,
Attention Contracts Department, 11 Lafayette Street, Lebanon, NH
03766 USA. The covenants and obligations undertaken by you
herein are intended for the direct benefit of Tele Atlas and may be
enforced by Tele Atlas directly against you.
About the Data for the Map Database
• This database was developed and recorded up to April 2006.
Changes to streets/highways made after that time may not be
reflected in this database.
• It is strictly prohibited to reproduce and use any part or the
whole of this map in any form without permission from the
copyright owner.
• If the local traffic regulations or conditions deviate from this
data, follow the local traffic regulations (such as signs, indica-
tions, etc.) and conditions (such as construction, weather,
• The traffic regulation data used in the map database applies
only to standard sized passenger vehicles. Note that regula-
tions for larger vehicles, motorbikes, and other non-standard
vehicles are not included in the database.
©1984-2007 Tele Atlas, Rel. 03/2006
© 2001 – 2007 Tele Atlas. All rights reserved. This material is pro-
prietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellec-
tual property rights owned or licensed to Tele Atlas. Tele Atlas is
an authorized distributor of selected Statistics Canada computer
files under Agreement number 6776 and is an authorized distribu-
tor of selected Geomatics Canada computer files. The product
includes information copied with permission from Canadian
authorities, including © Canada Post Corporation. The use of this
material is subject to the terms of a License Agreement. You will
be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this
Data by Info USA ©2007 All Rights Reserved.