Determines which condition takes priority
for route calculation.
Calculates a route with the shortest travel
time to your destination as a priority.
Calculates a route with the shortest dis-
tance to your destination as a priority.
Calculates a route to your destination with
the fewest turning points possible as a
Calculates a route on the basis of least fuel
! “U-turn penalty:”
Allows you to limit the distance increase for
! “Unpaved Roads”
Calculates a route which does not avoid un-
paved roads.
Calculates a route which avoids unpaved
roads as far as possible.
! “Highways”
Calculates a route which does not avoid
Calculates a route which avoids freeways
as far as possible.
! “Ferries”
Calculates a route which does not avoid fer-
Calculates a route which avoids ferries as
far as possible.
! “U-turns”
Calculates a route which does not avoid U-
Calculates a route which avoids U-turns as
far as possible.
p Turning backon a divided highway is
not considered a U-turn.
! “Permit Needed”
Calculates the route without taking into ac-
count roads and areas where permission is
needed for entry.
Calculates the route taking into account the
roads and areas where permission is
needed for entry.
! “Toll Roads”
Calculates a route which does not avoid toll
roads and areas.
Calculates a route which avoids toll roads
and areas as far as possible.
The settings related to warnings can be custo-
% Touch [Warnings] on the “Navi Set-
tings” menu.
The “Warning settings” screen appears.
Available options;
! “Warn When Speeding”
Sets whether or not to enable the excessive
speed warnings for when you exceed the
speed limit.
Customizing preferences
Customizing preferences