Checking for traffic congestion
If there is information about traffic congestion
on your current route and if an alternative
route can be found, the navigation system will
recommend a new alternative route automati-
cally. In such a case, the following screen will
1 Difference in distance and travel timebetween
the existing route and new route.
2 Distance from the current position of your ve-
hicle to the point of entry into the new route.
p There is no action if the system cannot find
any traffic congestion information on your
route or the system cannot find an alterna-
1 Touch [New].
The recommended route is displayed on the
# If you touch [Current] while the recom-
mended route is displayed, the screen switches
to the current route display.
2 Touch [OK].
The displayed route is set.
p When no selection is made, the screen re-
turns to the previous screen.
Checking traffic information
Touching the notification icon on the map
screen allows you to check traffic information
on your route while the icon is displayed. The
notification icon is only displayed on the navi-
gation map screen if there is any traffic infor-
mation on your route.
p The notification icon is not available if your
vehicle deviates from the route.
1 Set [Show Traffic Incident] to “View”.
= For details,refer to Displaying the trafficno-
tification icon on page 166.
2 Display the map screen.
The icon appears when the system acquires
traffic information on the current route.
= For detailsof theoperations, refer to Screen
switching overview on page 26.
3 Touch the notification icon while the
icon is displayed.
Notification icon
Traffic information on the current route is dis-
played on the map screen.
4 Touch [Diversion] to search for an alter-
native route.
After touching [Diversion], the route is recal-
culated taking all traffic congestion on your
current route into account.
p [Diversion] will be available only when the
system can find traffic congestion.
Using traffic information
Using traffic information