UPDATING (Updating) The selected channel is not included
in your subscription.
Select another channel.
Radio is being updated with the lat-
est encryption code.
Wait until the encryption code is fully
Route calculation was not possible. Route calculation has failed because
of malfunction of map data, software,
• Change the destination.
• Consult the Pioneer Local dealer if
this message persists.
Route calculation was not possible
because the destination is too far.
If the destination is too far. • Set a destination closer to the start-
ing point.
• Set one or more waypoints.
Route calculation was not possible
because the destination is too near.
The destination or waypoint(s) are
too close.
Set a destination [and waypoint(s)]
farther from the starting point.
Route calculation was not possible
due to traffic regulations.
• The destination or waypoint(s) are
in a Control Traffic Zone (CTR) and
the route calculation is hampered.
• Your vehicle is currently in a Con-
trol Traffic Zone (CTR) and the
route calculation is hampered.
• Set a destination and waypoint(s)
outside the CTR if you know where
the restricted area is.
• Try the destination or waypoint(s)
away from the currently set points
to some extent.
• Drive your vehicle to an unre-
stricted area and reset the destina-
tion and waypoint(s).
Route calculation was not possible
because no guidance can be pro-
vided around the destination or the
starting point.
The destination, waypoint(s), or start-
ing point are in an area where no
road exists (e.g. a mountain) and the
route calculation is impossible.
• Set a destination and waypoint(s)
on roads.
• Reset the destination after you
drive the vehicle to any road.
Route to destination cannot be cal-
The destination or waypoint(s) are in
an isolated island, etc. without a ferry
and the route calculation is impossi-
ble. If there is no road connect to
your starting point or destination,
this message will appear.
Change the destination.
• Ferry could not be avoided.
• Toll road could not be avoided.
• Freeways could not be avoided.
• Toll roads, ferries and freeways
could not be avoided.
• Toll roads and ferries could not be
• Toll roads and freeways could not
be avoided.
• Ferries and freeways could not be
In case a ferry route, toll roads or
freeways are included in the route to
the destination or waypoints even
though a route is set to avoid them.
You can recognize these condition by
➲ “Checking and fixing the route”
➞ Page 30
If the current route is not desired, set
destination or waypoints that do not
pass through a ferry route, toll roads
or freeways.
The address does not exist.
Do you want to continue?
If the house number entered does
not exist in the database for the spec-
ified street.
Re-enter the existing house number.
Or, proceed to the next step without
entering the house number and set
the main point of that street as your
This area does not contain any POI’s
of the selected type.
Facilities of the selected category do
not exist in the surrounding areas.
Use another search method or move
to another location and perform the
[Vicinity Search] again.
Failed to make the route profile. In rarely case the route calculation
error may occur.
• Retry.
• Consult the Pioneer Local dealer if
this message persists.
There is no Traffic List. There is no available traffic informa-
tion now.
Move to the location where you can
receive the XM NavTraffic informa-
tion, and then try the operation
There is no /Pictures/ folder.
Please create /Pictures/ folder and
store JPEG files in that Folder.
Cannot load the image because the
Pictures folder is not found in the
inserted disc.
Use the appropriate data after read-
ing “Limitations for import the pic-
ture” on page 97.
Message When What to do