
Entering or changing a phone number
1 Select “Edit Phone Number” and click the OK button.
2 Enter a phone number; select “OK” and click the OK button.
The Address Information menu appears.
To change a registered phone number, delete the existing number and then enter a
new one.
You can enter a telephone number of up to 24 digits.
The telephone number entered or changed here will be saved as data specifically for
the Address Book. You cannot search your destination even if you enter this telephone
Selecting a pictograph to appear on the map
1 Select “Select Image” and click the OK button.
2 Select the Pictograph; select “Done”, and click the OK button.
The Address Information menu appears.
You cannot change the mark of your home or of your favorite location.
Selecting sound
1 Select “Select Sound” and click the OK button.
2 After selecting the sound, click the OK button.
After the selected sound is played, a message asks whether you want to set it.
3 Select “Yes” and click the OK button.
The Address Information menu appears.
Alternative option:
Repeat : You can hear the selected sound again.
No : You can select another sound by going back to Step 2.