Setting items to be deleted
The items to bedeletedvary depending on theresetmethod. The items listed in the followingtable return to the default
or factory settings.
Almost all items not listedbelow will be retained. However,some of the items to be returnedto their default values are
not listed if the settingvalue can be easily recovered by user, such as the last map scale,the last status of AVoperation
screen, etc.
—: The settingwill be retained.
1: The setting willbe cleared and returned to the default or factory settings.
Method 1: Press theRESET button
Method 2: Restore FactorySettings
Method 3: Delete user information
Navigation functions Method 1 Method 2 Method 3
Destination Menu
“History” on “Address”——1
History ——1
Favorites ——1
“Saved Criteria” on “POI”——1
Navi Settings
Set Home ——1
GPS & Time Settings,Map Visual, Route,
Warnings, Regional Settings
— 11
Sound settings
“Voice”, “Keys”, “Dynamic Volume (On/Off)”
— 11
Sound settings
“Master”, “Dynamic Volume (Maximum
speed:, Minimum speed:)”
System Settings
Language — 11
Other settings ——1
Pinicon data ——1
Anti-theft password ——1
Audio functions Method 1 Method 2 Method 3
Wide Mode, VR Catalog Mode ——1
Other settings 1 ——
AVSound All settings 1 ——
CD, ROM, DivX, FM,
All settings (*1) 1 ——
DVD-V,DVD-VR All settings 1 ——
SD, USB All settings (*1) 1 — 1
Volume setting for AV sources 1 ——
(*1) All settings including thesetting on the “Function” menu aredeleted.
Changes on the upgraded program
Changes on the upgraded program