Message Cause Action
there is adelay
between the
start ofplayback
and when you
start to hearany
Wait until the
message disap-
pears and you
hear sound.
NO AUDIO The inserted
disc does not
contain any
playable files.
Replace thedisc.
SKIPPED The inserted
disc contains
DRM protected
Replace thedisc.
PROTECT All the fileson
the inserted
disc are em-
bedded with
Replace thedisc.
Handling guidelines
Discs and player
Use only discsthat feature either ofthe following
two logos.
Use 12-cm discs.Do not use 8-cmdiscs or an
adapter for 8-cm discs.
Use only conventional,fully circular discs. Donot
use shaped discs.
Do not insertanything other than aCD into the
CD loading slot.
Do not usecracked, chipped, warped, orother-
wise damaged discsas they may damagethe play-
Unfinalized CD-R/RW discscannot be played
Do not touchthe recorded surface of thediscs.
Store discs intheir cases when notin use.
Do not attachlabels, write on orapply chemicals
to the surface ofthe discs.
To clean aCD, wipe the discwith a soft clothout-
ward from thecenter.
Condensation may temporarilyimpair the player’s
performance. Let it restfor about one hourto ad-
just to awarmer temperature. Also,wipe any
damp discs offwith a soft cloth.
Playback of discsmay not bepossible because of
disc characteristics, discformat, recorded applica-
tion, playback environment,storage conditions,
and so on.
Road shocksmay interrupt disc playback.
Read theprecautions for discs beforeusing them.
When using discsthat can be printedon label sur-
faces, check theinstructions and the warningsof
the discs. Dependingon the discs, insertingand
ejecting may notbe possible. Using suchdiscs
may result indamage to this equipment.
Do not attachcommercially available labels or
other materials tothe discs.
! The discs maywarp making the discunplay-
! The labels maycome off during playbackand
prevent ejection ofthe discs, which mayresult
in damage tothe equipment.
DualDiscs are two-sideddiscs that have arecord-
able CD foraudio on one sideand a recordable
DVD for video onthe other.
Since the CDside of DualDiscs isnot physically
compatible with thegeneral CD standard, itmay
not be possibleto play the CDside with this unit.
Frequentloading and ejecting ofa DualDisc may
result in scratcheson the disc. Seriousscratches
can lead toplayback problems on thisunit. In
some cases, aDualDisc may become stuckin the
disc loading slotand will not eject.To prevent this,
we recommend yourefrain from using DualDisc
with this unit.
Please refer tothe information from thedisc man-
ufacturer for more detailedinformation about
Compressed audio
File extension: .wma
Bit rate: 48kbpsto 320kbps (CBR), 48kbpsto
384kbps (VBR)
Sampling frequency: 32 kHz, 44.1kHz, 48 kHz
Windows MediaAudio Professional, Lossless,
Voice/DRMStream/Stream with video: Notcom-
File extension: .mp3
Bit rate: 8kbpsto 320kbps (CBR), VBR
Sampling frequency: 8kHz to 48kHz(32kHz,
44.1kHz, 48kHz foremphasis)
Compatible ID3 tagversion: 1.0, 1.1, 2.2,2.3, 2.4
(ID3 tag Version 2.x isgiven priority over Version
M3u playlist: Notcompatible
MP3i (MP3 interactive),mp3 PRO: Not compatible
File extension: .wav
Quantization bits: 8and 16 (LPCM), 4(MS
Sampling frequency: 16kHz to 48kHz(LPCM),
22.05kHz and 44.1kHz(MS ADPCM)
Supplemental information
Only the first32 characters can bedisplayed as a
file name (includingthe file extension) ora folder
This unit maynot operate correctly dependingon
the application usedto encode WMA files.
Additional information
Additional information