! CUSTOM is an adjusted equalizer curve
that you create. If you make adjustments to
an equalizer curve, the equalizer curve set-
ting is memorized in CUSTOM.
! When FLAT is selected, no supplement or
correction is made to the sound. This is
useful to check the effect of the equalizer
curves by switching alternatively between
FLAT and a set equalizer curve.
1 Use MULTI-CONTROL to select P. EQ.
POWERFUL appears in the display.
If the equalizer curve has been previously se-
lected, the curve of that previously selected
will be displayed instead of POWERFUL.
2 Push MULTI-CONTROL left or right to
select an equalizer curve.
Each time MULTI-CONTROL is pushed left or
right, equalizer curves are selected in the fol-
lowing order:
Adjusting equalizer curves
The factory supplied equalizer curves can be
adjusted to a fine degree (nuance control).
1 Recall the equalizer curve you want to
See Recalling equalizer curves on the previous
2 Push MULTI-CONTROL left or right to
select the equalizer band to adjust.
EQ-LOW (low)—EQ-MID (mid)—EQ-HI (high)
3 Push MULTI-CONTROL up or down to
adjust the equalizer curve.
+6 to –6 is displayed as the equalizer curve is
increased or decreased.
Fine-adjusting equalizer curve
You can adjust the center frequency and the Q
factor (curve characteristics) of each currently
selected curve band (EQ-LOW/EQ-MID/
Level (dB)
Center frequency
Frequency (Hz)
1 Use MULTI-CONTROL to select EQ.
2 Push MULTI-CONTROL left or right to
select a desired frequency.
Low: 40HZ—80HZ—100HZ—160HZ
Mid: 200HZ—500HZ—1KHZ—2KHZ
High: 3KHZ—8KHZ—10KHZ—12KHZ
3 Push MULTI-CONTROL up or down to
select the desired Q factor.
Q factor
Adjusting loudness
Loudness compensates for deficiencies in the
low- and high-sound ranges at low volume.
1 Display the audio menu.
Refer to Introduction of audio adjustments on
the previous page.
2 Use MULTI-CONTROL to select
3 Press MULTI-CONTROL to turn loudness
Loudness level (e.g., MID) appears in the dis-
# To turn loudness off, press MULTI-CONTROL
Audio Adjustments
Audio Adjustments