Black plate (5,1)
Keep the battery out ofthe reach of children.
Should the battery beswallowed, immediately
consult a doctor.
! Use only oneCR2025 (3 V) lithiumbattery.
! Remove thebattery if the remotecontrol is not
used for amonth or longer.
! Danger of explosionif battery is incorrectly re-
placed. Replace only withthe same or equiva-
lent type.
! Do not handlethe battery with metallic tools.
! Do not storethe battery withmetallic materi-
! In the eventof battery leakage,wipe the re-
mote control completelyclean and install a
new battery.
! When disposing ofused batteries, please
comply with governmental regulationsor en-
vironmental public institutions’ rulesthat
apply in yourcountry/area.
Using the remote control
Point the remote control in the direction of the
front panel to operate.
! Do not storethe remote control inhigh tem-
peratures or directsunlight.
! The remote controlmay not function properly
in direct sunlight.
! Do not letthe remote control fallonto the
floor,where it maybecome jammed under the
brake or accelerator pedal.
Protecting your unit from
The front panel can be detached to deter theft.
! Handle gently whenremoving or attaching
the front panel.
! Avoid subjectingthe front panel to excessive
! Keep the frontpanel out of directsunlight and
high temperatures.
Removing the front panel
1 Press DETACH to releasethe front
2 Grab the front panel and remove.
3 Put the front panel into provided pro-
tective case for safe keeping.
Attaching the front panel
1 Slide the front panel to the left until it
Front panel and the head unit are jointed on
the left side. Make sure that the front panel
has been jointed to the head unit.
2 Press the right side of the front panel
until it is firmly seated.
# If you can’t attach thefront panel to the head
unit successfully,try again. Frontpanel may be
damaged if youattach the front panel forcedly.
Before You Start