Black plate (12,1)
1 Press M.C. tostart searching.
! To cancel,press M.C. whilesearching.
! If this unitfails to findany available cellular
phones, NOTFOUND is displayed.
2 TurnM.C. to selecta device fromthe device
! If the desireddevice is notdisplayed, select
! Pressand hold M.C.to swap between the
Bluetooth deviceaddress and thedevice
3 Press M.C. toconnect the selecteddevice.
! To completethe connection, checkthe de-
vice name(Pioneer BT Unit)and enter the
PIN codeon your device.
! PIN codeis set to0000 as the default.You
can changethis code.
! A 6-digitnumber may displayon both this
unit andthe Bluetooth device.
Select yesif the 6-digit numbersdisplayed
on thisunit and the Bluetoothdevice are
the same.
! 6-digit numberappears on thedisplay of
this unit.Once the connectionis estab-
lished, thisnumber disappears.
! If you areunable to completethe connec-
tion usingthis unit, use thedevice to con-
nect tothe unit.
! If three devicesare already paired,DEVICE-
FULL isdisplayed and itis not possibleto
perform this operation.In this case,delete
a paireddevice first.
A. CONN(connecting to aBluetooth device auto-
1 Press M.C. toturn automatic connectionon or
VISIBLE (settingthe visibility of thisunit)
Bluetooth visibilitycan be turnedon so thatother
devices candiscover the unit.
1 Press M.C. toturn the visibilityof this unit on
or off.
PIN CODE(PIN code input)
You must entera PIN codeon your deviceto con-
firm theBluetooth connection. Thedefault code is
0000, butyou can changeit with this function.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selecta number.
3 Press M.C. tomove the cursorto the nextposi-
4 After inputting PINcode, pressand hold M.C.
! After inputting, pressingM.C. returns you
to thePIN code inputdisplay, andyou can
change thePIN code.
DEV.INFO (Bluetooth deviceaddress display)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to displaythe device information.
Device name—Bluetoothdevice address
GUEST MODE(guest mode)
When thismode is turnedon, if apairing is at-
tempted whilethere are alreadythree devices
paired together,the unit willmove to theDEL DE-
VICE screenautomatically and promptyou to de-
lete adevice. Fordetails, refer to DELDEVICE
(deleting adevice from the devicelist) on page11.
1 Press M.C. toturn the guestmode on oroff.
A. PAIRING (autopairing)
If this functionis turned onwhile there isan
iPhone connectedto the unitby USB, you willbe
automatically promptedto pair theunit and
1 Press M.C. toturn auto pairingon or off.
! This functionmay not beavailable depending
on whatversion of iOS youare using.
Phone menu operation
1 Press todisplay the phone menu.
2 Turn M.C. to select the function.
Once selected, the following functions can be
MISSED (missedcall history)
DIALED (dialedcall history)
RECEIVED (receivedcall history)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the phonenumber list.
2 TurnM.C. to selecta name orphone number.
3 Press M.C. tomake a call.
PHONE BOOK(phone book)
The contactson your phone willnormally be trans-
ferred automaticallywhen the phoneis con-
nected. Ifit is not, useyour phone menuto
transfer thecontacts. The visibilityof this unit
should beon when you usethe phone menu.
Refer toVISIBLE (setting thevisibility of thisunit)
on page12.
1 Press M.C. todisplay SEARCH (alphabetical
2 TurnM.C. to selectthe first letterof the name
you arelooking for.
3 Press M.C. todisplay a registeredname list.
4 TurnM.C. to selectthe name youare looking
5 Press M.C. todisplay the phonenumber list.
6 TurnM.C. to selecta phone number you want
to call.
7 Press M.C. tomake a call.
PRESET1-6 (presetphone numbers)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectthe desired presetnumber.
3 Press M.C. tomake a call.
! You can alsouse the presetnumber buttons 1/
to 6/ to recall apreset phone number.
Formore details aboutstoring phone num-
bers, referto Storing and recallingphone num-
bers onpage 11.
PHONE FUNC(phone function)
You can setA. ANSR,R.TONE and PBINVT from
this menu.For details,refer to Function and opera-
tion onpage 12.
Function and operation
1 Display PHONE FUNC.
Refer to PHONE FUNC (phonefunction) on page
2 Press M.C. to display the functionmenu.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
Once selected, the following functions can be
A. ANSR(automatic answering)
1 Press M.C. toturn automatic answeringon or
R.TONE (ringtone select)
1 Press M.C. toturn the ringtone on oroff.
PB INVT(phone book nameview)
1 Press M.C. toinvert the orderof names inthe
phone book.
Using this unit
Using this unit