DVD-114 Operating Instructions
- 7 -
7) Device Configuration Jumper
set this jumper switch to select the drive use mode supporting the computer
= ON;
no jumper
= OFF)
Pin Name Function
on Drive set to Master mode
2 SL on Drive set to Slave mode
3 CS on Drive set to Cable Select mode
4 Reserved
on Stays in RPC Phase I mode5
*1 *2
off Starts in PRC Phase II mode
never return to Phase I mode
after using Phase II mode
8) Host IDE Interface
40-pin I/O connector in accordance with ATA specifications
9) DC Input
power supply input for DC +5 V and +12 V
Pin Name Function
1 +12 Power supply input for DC +12 V
2 G Ground
3 G Ground
4 +5 Power supply input for DC +5 V
4.3 Region Code Information
The maximum number of times the Region Code may be changed is five (
including the initial setting. The fifth change becomes PERMANENT.
Note: Region Codes are part of the DVD Standard, however, Region Codes on DVD
discs are optional. DVD discs with no specified Region Code may be played on any
The following information provides step-by-step instructions to install the DVD-103S.
5.1 Positioning the Drive
Before beginning the installation, decide if the drive needs to be positioned
horizontally (standard) or vertically. Review all instructions prior to install the
DVD-114 drive.