Before Operating (Names and Functions of Parts)
En <DRB1416>
456 7 8
9 10 11
16 151923 18202122
1. Title/Folder number display (TITLE/FLD 00 to 99)
Indicates the DVD title number.
During MP3 playback, displays folder number.
Not displayed during CD playback.
2. Chapter number (CHP 000 to 999)
Indicates the DVD chapter number.
During CD/MP3 playback, “CHP” does not appear.
3. Track number (TRACK 00 to 99/000 to 999 (MP3))
Indicates CD or MP3 track number.
“TRACK” is not displayed during DVD playback.
4. Total track number (ALL)
When playing DVD, displays the total number of chapters within the
title. When playing an audio CD, displays the total number of tracks
on the disc. When playing MP3, displays the total number of tracks
within the folder.
5. Auto cue (A.CUE) indicator
Lights when auto cue is ON. Does not light during NORMAL mode.
6. Remaining time (REMAIN) indicator
Indicates that the current numerical display is of a track’s remaining
7. Minutes display (000 to 999 M)
8. Seconds display (00 to 59 S)
9. Frame display (00 to 74 F)
Display audio frame numbers. 75 frames are equivalent to one sec-
ond of normal play. Not displayed in NORMAL mode.
10. Video frame display (00 to 29 VIDEO F)
Lights during DVD playback in DJ mode. 30 frames are equivalent to
one second. Video frame display does not appear during CD play-
back and in NORMAL mode.
Since this unit controls video frames (1/30 second) based on the
audio frame (1/75 second), combining the two will result in a maxi-
mum deviation of 1.
11. TEMPO indicator
Displays tempo variation produced when TEMPO control slider is
Does not light in NORMAL mode.
12. Tempo control range display (±6, ±10, ±16, WIDE)
Lights to indicate the TEMPO control slider’s variable range as se-
lected with the tempo control range select button.
Does not light in NORMAL mode.
13. BPM counter display
Lights to indicate the beats per minute (BPM) of the currently play-
ing track. Some tracks may not be measurable with the automatic
BPM counter.
Does not light in NORMAL mode.
14. Master tempo indicator (MT)
Lights when master tempo function is ON.
Does not light in NORMAL mode.
15. Dot matrix display (100x7 dots)
Used for displaying various items, including TEXT, WAVE, guide, etc.
During CD TEXT display, shows up to 72 characters for disc title or
up to 48 characters for track title; for MP3, displays up to 48 charac-
ters (display scrolls when 15 or more characters are to be shown).
In the case of WAVE display, the varying volume levels of the cur-
rently playing track are displayed, with the track sized to fit into the
entire 100-dot display width.
For guide messages, see P.50 “Dot Matrix Guide Display Mes-
16. Play address display
Displays a bar graph to allow an immediate visual grasp of the elapsed
and remaining playing time of the currently playing track. The full
scale bar length indicates the full track length.
¶ The bar graph is off at the beginning of the track, and lights from
left to right.
¶ The bar graph is lighted at the beginning of the track, and goes out
from left to right.
¶ When the remaining playing time falls below 30 seconds, the bar
graph flashes slowly; when less than 15 seconds are left, the bar
graph flashes quickly.
17. Prohibited indicator ( )
Some DVD discs or players do not support certain functions or op-
erations; if an effort is made to perform such operations, this indica-
tor appears for about 2 seconds.
18. CUE point indicator
When a point is recorded in the CUE button or IN/REALTIME CUE/
IN ADJUST button for the currently selected track, the “CUE” indi-
cator lights and the point’s relative starting position is shown in the
display (2 lighted dots).
Does not light in NORMAL mode.
19. MEMORY display
If the currently selected track includes cue memory or loop memory,
the “MEMORY” indicator lights and the MEMORY display indicates
the relative starting position of the cue or loop. Two dots are used to
display 1 point, and even if multiple starting positions are included
within a single point, only one point is displayed.
Does not light in NORMAL mode.
20. SRS indicator ( )
Lights when TruSurround function is selected. This function is disa-
bled in DJ mode.
21. Dolby Digital indicator (2 D)
Lights during playback when Dolby Digital audio has been selected.
22. DTS indicator
Lights during playback when DTS audio has been selected.
Not supported in DJ mode.
23. Video out indicators (VIDEO OUT/PAL/NTSC)
When the video output TV system is set to AUTO, only the “VIDEO
OUT” indicator lights.
When NTSC has been selected, both the “VIDEO OUT” and “NTSC”
indicators light.
When PAL has been selected, both the “VIDEO OUT” and “PAL”
indicators light.
24. Angle indicator ( )
During DVD playback, this mark appears to indicate a scene with
variable angle.