Playback ofdiscsmay notbe possible becauseof
disc characteristics, discformat, recordedapplica-
tion, playbackenvironment, storageconditions,and
so on.
Road shocksmayinterrupt discplayback.
Readthe precautionsfor discsbefore usingthem.
USB storage device
Address anyquestions youhaveabout yourUSB sto-
rage devicetothe manufacturerof thedevice.
Connections viaUSB hub arenot supported.
Do notconnect anythingotherthan aUSB storage
Do notleavethe USBstorage devicein anyplacewith
high temperatures.
Firmly secure theUSB storagedevice whendriving.
Do notletthe USBstorage devicefall ontothefloor,
where itmaybecomejammed under thebrakeor ac-
celerator pedal.
Depending ontheUSB storagedevice, thedevice
may cause noisetooccur onthe radio.
! Operations mayvary.
! Thestorage devicemay notbe recognized.
! Filesmay notbe playedback properly.
! Thedevice maygenerate noisein theradio.
DualDiscs aretwo-sided discsthat havearecordable
CD foraudioon oneside anda recordableDVDfor
video ontheoth er.
Since theCDside ofDualDiscs isnot physically com-
patible withthegeneralCD standard,it maynotbe
possible toplaythe CDside withthis unit.
Frequent loading andejecting ofaDualDisc mayre-
sult inscratcheson thedisc. Seriousscratches can
lead toplaybackproblemson thisunit. Insome
cases, aDualDisc maybecomestuck inthe discload-
ing slotandwill noteject. To preventthis, werecom-
mend yourefrain fromusingDualDis c withthis unit.
Please refertothe informationfrom thedisc manu-
facturer formore detailedinformation aboutDual-
Compressed audio
compatibility (disc, USB)
File extension:.wma
Bit rate:48kbps to320 kbps(CBR), 48kbpsto 384
kbps (VBR)
Sampling frequency:32 kHz,44.1 kHz,48kHz
Windows MediaAudioProfessional, Lossless, Voice/
DRM Stream/Streamwith video:No
File extension:.mp3
Bit rate:8kbps to320 kbps
Sampling frequency:16 kHzto 48kHz(32, 44.1,48
kHz foremphasis)
Compatible ID3tag version:1.0,1.1, 2.2,2.3, 2.4(ID3
tag Version 2.xisgiven priorityover Version 1.x.)
M3u playlist:No
MP3i (MP3interactive), mp3PRO:No
File extension:.wav
Quantization bits: 8and16 (LPCM),4 (MSADPCM)
Sampling frequency:16 kHzto 48kHz(LPCM), 22.05
kHz and44.1kHz (MSADPCM)
Supplemental information
Only thefirst 32characterscan bedisplayed asa file
name (includingthe fileextension)or afolder name.
This unitmay notoperatecorrectly dependingon the
application usedto encodeWMAfiles.
There maybea slightdelay whenstarting playbackof
audio filesembedded withimagedata.
Playable folderhierarchy:up toeight tiers(Apractical
hierarchy isless thantwotiers.)
Playable folders:up to99
Additional Information