Symptom Cause Action (See)
Power doesn’t turnon.
The unitdoesn’t operate.
Leads andconnectors areincor-
rectly connected.
Confirm oncemore thatall connectionsare
The fuse is blown. Rectify thereason for thefuse blowing,then
replace thefuse. Bevery sure toinstall the
correct fuse with thesame rating.
Noise andother factors arecausing
the built-inmicroprocessor tooper-
ate incorrectly.
PressRESET. (Page15)
Operation with the remotecon-
trol isn’t possible.
The unitdoes notoperate cor-
rectly evenwhen theappropriate
remote controlbuttons are
The remotecontrol operationmode
is incorrect.
Switch to the correct remotecontrol mode.
(Page 21)
The remotecontrol codeis incor-
Make sure the remotecontrol selection
switch settingand codetype settingare the
same. (Page115)
Batterypower is low. Load new battery. (Page 16)
Some operations areprohibited
with certaindiscs.
Check byusing anotherdisc.
Playback is not possible. The disc isdirty. Clean disc.(Page 128)
The loaded disc isa typethis unit
cannot play.
Check whattype thedisc is.
Non compatible videosystem disc
is loaded.
Change to a disccompatible toyour video
No soundsare heard.
The volume level will notrise.
Cables arenot connectedcorrectly. Connect thecables correctly.
The unitis performing still,slow mo-
tion or frame-by-frame playback.
There isno soundduring still,slow motionor
frame-by-frame playback.
The front,rear, left andright speak-
ers arenot properlyadjusted inlevel
Adjust the relative levelsbetween thespeak-
ers correctly. (Page 92)
Sound isnot heardover aspeci-
fic speaker.
The speaker size isset toOFF. Make the correct sizesetting for the speaker.
(Page 101)
The speaker level isset toolow. Increase the speaker levelsettingto getthe
balance rightwith theother speakers.(Page
The center speaker sizeis setto
SMALL orLARGE whereasno cen-
ter speakeris installed.
Set the center speakersize toOFF. (Page101)
There isno picture. The parkingbrake cordis notcon-
Connect aparking brakecord, andapply the
parking brake.
The parkingbrake isnot applied. Connect a parking brakecord, and applythe
parking brake.
Additional Information