– Displaying disc titles 29
Using CD TEXT functions 29
– Displaying text information on CD TEXT
discs 29
– Scrolling text information in the
display 29
– Selecting tracks from the track title
list 29
Playing MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV files 30
Selecting a track directly in the current
folder 31
Introduction of advanced built-in CD player
(MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV) operation 32
Repeating play 32
Playing tracks in random order 32
Scanning folders and tracks 33
Pausing MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV playback 33
Selecting the search method 33
Searching every 10 tracks in the current
folder 33
Displaying text information on MP3/WMA/
AAC/WAV disc 34
– When playing back an MP3/WMA/AAC
disc 34
– When playing back a WAV disc 34
Scrolling text information in the display 34
Selecting tracks from the file name list 35
Multi-CD Player
Playing a CD 36
Selecting a track directly 36
50-disc multi-CD player 37
Introduction of advanced multi-CD player
operation 37
Repeating play 38
Playing tracks in random order 38
Scanning CDs and tracks 38
Pausing CD playback 39
Using ITS playlists 39
– Creating a playlist with ITS
programming 39
– Playback from your ITS playlist 39
– Erasing a track from your ITS
playlist 40
– Erasing a CD from your ITS playlist 40
Using disc title functions 40
– Entering disc titles 40
– Displaying disc titles 41
– Selecting discs from the disc title
list 41
Using CD TEXT functions 41
– Displaying text information on CD TEXT
discs 42
– Scrolling text information in the
display 42
– Selecting tracks from the track title
list 42
Playing songs on iPod
Listening to songs on your iPod 43
Browsing for a song 43
– Searching for a song 43
– Selecting a playlist 44
Displaying text information on iPod 44
Introduction of advanced iPod adapter
operation 45
Repeating play 45
Playing songs in a random order
(shuffle) 45
Pausing a song 46
TV tuner
Watching the television 47
Introduction of advanced TV tuner
operation 48
Storing broadcast stations 48