Messages and how to react to them
The following messages may be displayed by your navigation system. Refer to the table below to
identify the problem, then take the suggested corrective action.
There are occasions when you may see error messages other than those shown here. In such a
case, follow the instructions given on the display.
Messages for navigation functions
Message Cause Action (Reference)
System detectedimproper
connection ofParkingBrake
lead. Pleasecheck your con-
figuration forsafety. Please
see OperationManual for
more informationregarding
safe operation.
Parking brakelead is incorrectly
Confirm oncemorethat their connections are
Route calculationwas not
Route calculationhas failed be-
cause ofa malfunction inmap data,
software, or hardware.
! Changethe destination.
! Consultthe PioneerLocal dealerif this mes-
sage persists.
Route calculationnot possi-
ble. Destination toofar.
The destinationis too far. Seta destination closerto the startingpoint.
Route calculationnot possi-
ble. Destination tooclose.
The destinationis too close. Set adestination farther from the starting
Route calculationnot possi-
ble. Navigation cannot be
provided arounddestination
or startingpoint.
The destination,waypoint(s), or
starting pointare in anarea where
no roadexists (e.g. amountain) and
the routecalculationis impossible.
! Seta destination andwaypoint(s) on roads.
! Resetthe destination after youdrive the ve-
hicle toany road.
Route todestination cannot
be calculated.
The destinationor waypoint(s) are in
an isolatedisland, etc. withouta
ferry and theroute calculation isim-
possible. If thereis noroad con-
nected toyour starting pointor
destination, thismessage will ap-
Change thedestination.
Failed tocreate routeprofile In rarecases, a routecalculation
error mayoccur.
! Retry.
! Consultthe PioneerLocal dealerif this mes-
sage persists.
No picturefolder. Savejpeg
file to/Pictures/ folder
Cannot loadthe image because
“Pictures” folderis not foundin the
inserted externalstorage device.
Use appropriatedata and storeit correctly.
(Page 164)
“Pictures” folderexists on theSD
memor y card butthere is noload-
able datain the folder.
Use appropriatedata and storeit correctly.
(Page 164)
Data Readerror. Failed toread the datafor some rea-
Use appropriatedata and storeit correctly.
(Page 164)
The fileis corrupt Thedata isdamaged oran attempt
was madeto set animage file that
was notmade to specificationsas
the splashscreen.
Use appropriatedata and storeit correctly.
(Page 164)