Broadcast Command Format
PS5580 RS232 and LAN Command Protocol 2
Definition of terms in Directly Addressed Command Format table:
• STX is the ascii STX character (0x02).
• Command is the command code.
• Length is the number of bytes in the Group ID, Multi ID, Mode and Data fields.
• Group ID is the Group ID value in the display’s Option menu. A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.
• Multi ID is the Monitor ID value in the display’s Tiling menu.
• Mode selects whether the command is a Read command or a Write command.
• Read = 0x00
• Write = 0x02
• Data contains values specific to the selected command.
• Checksum is the one's complement of the following response fields: STX,
Command, Length, Group ID, Multi ID, Mode, Data (i.e. the sum of these fields
and the checksum field, modulo 256, will be 0xFF).
• ETX is the ascii ETX character (0x03).
Broadcast Command Format
Commands that are sent to all displays are broadcast commands. They have the this
Definition of terms in Broadcast Command Format table:
• STX is the ascii STX character (0x02).
• Command is the command code.
• Length is the number of bytes in the Group ID, Multi ID and Data fields.
• Group ID is set to 0x00.
• Multi ID is set to 0x00
• Data contains values specific to the selected command.
• ETX is the ascii ETX character (0x03).
The displays do not send responses to broadcast commands.
Command / Response Examples
Example: Power query when unit is powered on (Group ID = A, Multi ID = 4)
STX Command Length GroupID MultiID Data ETX
SendtoDisplay 1byte 1byte 1byte 1byte 1byte nbytes 1byte
Command 021003010400 03
Response 02 10 04 01 04 00 01 E3 03