User’s Manual of FGSW-2620VM / FGSW-2620PVM
6.1 Operation Notice
To enter the “configuration” mode, you need to be in the privileged mode, and then types in the command
Switch# configure
Switch (config) #
6.1.1. Command Line Editing
Keys Function
<Ctrl>-B ; ← Moves the cursor back one character.
<Ctrl>-D Deletes the character at the cursor.
<Ctrl>-E Jumps to the end of the current command line.
<Ctrl>-F ; → Moves the cursor forward one character.
<Ctrl>-K Deletes from the cursor to the end of the command line.
<Ctrl>-N ; ↓ Enters the next command line in the command history.
<Ctrl>-P ; ↑ Enters the previous command line in the command history.
<Ctrl>-U Deletes from the cursor to the beginning of the command line.
<Ctrl> -W Deletes the last word typed.
<Esc> B Moves the cursor backward one word.
<Esc> D Deletes from the cursor to the end of the word.
<Esc> F Moves the cursor forward one word.
<Backspace> Delete the character before the cursor.
<Del> Delete the character at the cursor.
The following generic function keys provide functions in all of the menus: