PC Configuration
Figure 3-2: System Screen of ICA-100W
Camera Name:
This field is used for entering a descriptive name for the device. The default setting for
the Camera Name is CS-xxxxxx, where xxxxxx is the last six digit of the MAC Address.
The maximum length is 32 (Printable ASCII).
This field is used for entering a descriptive name for the location used by ICA-100
This field is used for entering the Administrator ID along with the password to access
the System Administration settings. Be sure to enter the password twice to confirm the
details once in the Admin Password field and again in the Confirm Password field. The
default setting for Admin is blank space (Null String) you need to key in the Admin ID
with a maximum length of 12 (Printable ASCII) characters and enter the Admin Pass-
word with a maximum length of 8 (Printable ASCII) characters. Please note that Admin
ID and Admin Password must be set before using IPView utility to connect Internet
Camera; otherwise the Internet Camera can not be added to IPView.
IP Assignment:
There are two options to select from the IP Assignment.
Note: Access to ICA-100 series is done through assigning a proper IP address. Please
make sure to use a vacant IP address when you assign the IP address for ICA-100
series. This will prevent errors from occurring if the IP address is overlapped.
Manually Assign
You can click “Manually Assign” and directly enter the IP address.
The default settings are as follows:
· Default IP –
· Subnet Mask –
· Default Gateway –
Assign Automatically Using
If your network is using RARP, BOOTP or DHCP server you can click “Assign
Automatically Using” and click on “RARP”, “BOOTP” or “DHCP”. Under this
setting ICA-100 series will automatically assign an IP address from RARP, BOOTP
or DHCP server. Each time ICA-100 series starts up be sure the RARP, BOOTP or
DHCP server is setup as assign a static IP to your Internet Camera. If your applica-
tion requires direct connection from an ADSL modem through ICA-100 series’s RJ-
45 LAN port and you also have an ISP PPPoE account. Click on “PPPoE” option
and enter the Service Name, User ID and Password into the respective fields. ICA-
100 series will get an IP address from the ISP each time ICA-100 series starts up.
DNS IP Address:
DNS (Domain Name System) server is an Internet service that translates domain
names into IP addresses. Enter at least one DNS IP Address.
Dynamic DNS:
Click Yes/No to enable/disable DDNS function. Before you use this function, you must
register a hostname from a DDNS service provider first.
Service Provider