PLANET VIP-152T User’s Manual
4.17. [bureau] command
1. -print: display all current configurations.
2. –hotline: set hotline IP and remote phone number. If user has enable Hotline function, once
VIP-152T been off-hook, it will automatically dial out to assigned IP and phone number.
(bureau –hotline “IP of destination” “Phone number of destination”)
To set VIP-152T under hotline mode must set following configurations:
1. Peer-to-Peer mode: sip –mode 0
2. Hotline service: sysconf –service 1
usr/config$ bureau
Bureau line setting information and configuration
bureau [-hotline [Port DestIP TELnum]]
bureau -print
-print Display Bureau line information and configuration.
-hotline Set Hot line information.
Hotline feature should be used together with:
$sysconf -service 1 (HotLine service)
$sip -mode 0 (peer-to-peer mode)
bureau -hotline 628
4.18. [rom] command
1. -print: show all current configurations and version information.
2. -app,-boot, -dsptest, -dspcore, -dspapp,: upgrade main boot code, main application code, DSP
testing code, DSP kernel code, DSP application code, Ring Back Tone PCM file and Hold Tone .
After upgrade Application, please remember to execute flash –clean command, which will
clean all configurations become factory values except IP address.
4. -boot2m: to upgrade 2mb rom file, which includes all firmware file mentioned in item 2.
5. -s: it is necessary to prepare TFTP/FTP server IP address for upgrading firmware rom file.