
15 AIT Tape Library User Manual
Page 44
Setting the POST BarCode Scan Option
When the POST Barcode Scan option is enabled, the library automatically scans the barcode labels
whenever the library door is opened and closed or whenever the library powers up. By default, this option
is turned off. Enabling this option increases the time required to complete POST during startup.
If your library does not include a barcode scanner, the LCD displays
“N/A” next to this option.
To turn on the POST Barcode Scan option:
1. If the security option is enabled, disable it.
2. Display the Config Menu. If necessary, press [MENU] to display the menus (or return to the
top of the menu selections). Press the down arrow key until “Config Menu” is displayed on
the screen, as shown below. The second line of the Config Menu shows the current baud
rate and whether autoclean is enabled.
3. Press [ENTER].
4. Press the down arrow key until “POST Barcode Scan Option” displays. This screen shows
whether barcode scanning is enabled (1) or disabled (0).
5. Press [ENTER]. The following screen displays.
6. Use the up or down arrow key to select “1,” which turns on the option, or select “0” to turn the
option off. Press [ENTER]. The POST Barcode Scan Option screen displays the new setting.
7. If desired, press [ESCAPE] to return to the Config Menu.
C o n f i g M e n u
1 1 5 2 0 0 C L N : o f f
P O S T B a r c o d e
S c a n O p t i o n : 0
S c a n B a r c o d e s
d u r i n g P O S T ? 0