▪ Allows you to adjust the color settings for your desktop – these changes will not affect any video
playback – to change video color settings, go to ‘Adjust Video Color Settings’
Figure 6 – Rotate Display
▪ NVIDIA NVRotate allows you to change the orientation of your desktop, this is useful if you have rotated
your physical display and need to rotate the desktop to match the orientation of your display – options
include ‘No rotation (Landscape’, ’90 degrees to the left (Portrait’, 90 degrees to the right (Inverted
portrait)’, and ‘180 degree rotation (Inverted landscape)’.
Figure 7 – Manage Custom Resolutions
Manage Custom Resolution’s allows you to select and utilize, with the highest possible performance
and visual display quality, any custom (non-standard) resolutions supported by any display attached to
your NVIDIA Quadro by PNY graphics board
Figure 8 – Set up Multiple Displays
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