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nVIDIA MCP73 Series Users Manual
21-2F Enable Slots 1-15 Initialize slots 1 through 15.
30 Size Base and Extended Size base memory from 256K to 640K and extended memory
Memory above 1MB.
31 Test Base and Extended Test base memory from 256K to 640K and extended memory
Memory above 1MB using various patterns.
NOTE: This test is skipped in EISA mode and can be skipped
with ESC key in ISA mode.
32 Test EISA Extended If EISA Mode ag is set then test EISA memory found in slots
Memory initialization.
NOTE: This test is skipped in ISA mode and can be skipped
with ESC key in EISA mode.
33-3B Reserved
3C Setup Enabled
3D Initialize & Install Mouse Detect if mouse is present, initialize mouse, install interrupt
3E Setup Cache Controller Initialize cache controller.
3F Reserved
BF Chipset Initialization Program chipset registers with Setup values.
40 Display virus protect disable or enable.
41 Initialize Floppy Drive & Initialize oppy disk drive controller and any drives.
42 Initialize Hard Drive & initialize hard drive controller and any drives.
43 Detect & Initialize Initialize any serial and parallel ports (also game port).
Serial/Parallel Ports
44 Reserved
45 Detect & Initialize Math Initialize math coprocessor.
46 Reserved
47 Reserved
48-4D Reserved