
The listbox contains all of the features you can adjust on your NVIDIA Quadro by PNY graphics board –
you can change the setting of a feature using the dropdown listbox beside the feature name. If in doubt
about a particular feature the ‘Application-controlled’ setting is your best option.
Figure 3 – Change Resolution
Use this option to set the display resolution (in pixels), select a Color quality setting (32-bit
recommended) and adjust the refresh rate of your display. Settings can be specified for each display
attached to your graphics board.
Figure 4 – Change Flat Panel Scaling
If you elect to use resolution on your flat panel display other than the display’s native resolution this
setting will allows you specify the scaling used in order to achieve the highest possible display quality –
but please note that flat panel displays always look best when run at native resolution
Figure 5 – Adjust Desktop Color Settings
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