
19B 18
Top You participate regularly in heavy physical exercise at least 5 times a week.
E.g. you exercise to improve performance for competitive purposes.
Maximum heart rate value (HR
12. Your age-predicted maximum heart rate value is displayed as a default
setting when you set this value for the first time. If you know your
exact clinically tested current maximum heart rate value, set the
value by scrolling up or down.
13. Press OK.
If you do not know this value, update it in the Fitness Test mode after
having carried out the Polar Fitness Test.
Maximal oxygen uptake value (VO
14. The wrist receiver suggests value 35 for females and value 45 for males
as a default setting when you set this value for the first time. If you
know your exact clinically tested current maximal oxygen uptake
value, set the value by scrolling up or down.
15. Press OK.
If you do not know this value, update it in the Fitness Test mode after
having carried out the Polar Fitness Test.
16.Scroll up or down to select your relaxation rate baseline. Press OK.
USER SET appears.
The degree of relaxation rate is highly individual, therefore compare the
value to your own baseline. To find out your personal baseline relaxation
rate, you need to measure your relaxation rate in a recovered state. Follow
the instructions below or refer to Polar Precision Performance software to
easily determine your relaxation rate baseline.
1. Before the measurement,
relax for 2-3 minutes.
2. Start measuring your heart rate
by pressing and holding the
OK button.
3. Press the up button until
relaxation rate value (Rlx) in
milliseconds is displayed
in the upper row.
Or, if INT is displayed in the
upper row press first the down
button once and then up
button until relaxation rate
value (Rlx) is displayed.
4. Write down your relaxation rate
each 15 seconds for 2 minutes.
5. Sum up the eight relaxation
values and divide them by eight
to obtain the average value. This
is your baseline relaxation rate.
Relaxation rate
Time Example Your value
1 0:15 32
2 0:30 33
3 0:45 35
4 1:00 34
5 1:15 33
6 1:30 35
7 1:45 36
8 2:00 33
/ 8 / 8
Baseline 34
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