
Track Warm-Up
NOTE: The outside temperature will
determine the amount of track warm-up
With the snowmobile securely
supported by the rear bumper, and the
track approximately 4 (10 cm) off the
ground, follow these steps to ensure
proper warm-up of the engine, drive
train, and track.
1 S tart the engine and allow it to warm up two to three minutes.
2 Depress the throttle abruptly and allow the track to rotate several
3 Release the throttle, apply the brakes, shut off the engine and lower
the machine to the ground.
4 Grasp the skis by their front loops and move them from side to side.
This will loosen frozen snow from the ski bottoms, allowing the
machine to move forward more easily.
A loose track or flying debris could cause serious personal
injury or death. Stand clear of the front of the machine and
the moving track. Never hold the snowmobile up or stand
behind it while performing this procedure. Do not use too
much throttle during warm up or when track is free-hanging.
Be sure the rear s upport is stable.