• For skimmer installations, turn knob on flow regulator clockwise until indicator is within
the target area.
If too much flow:
• For dedicated suction line installations, adjust valve in equipment area that controls
water flow to suction line until the indicator is within the target area.
• For skimmer installations, turn knob on flow regulator counterclockwise until indicator is
within target area. If knob is turned all the way, open the main drain (or a second
skimmer) until indicator is within target area.
5. Turn off pump. Hold hose underwater and remove flow indicator.
Check for Proper Wheel RPM
Before operating the Polaris, check for proper wheel revolutions per minute (RPM). For
maximum efficiency, the RPM should be between 30 to 34.
Mark the outer edge of a tire.
Submerge Polaris and remove any air in the cleaner. Connect the cleaner to the hose
keeping it completely submerged.
3. Holding cleaner under water, turn pump on and count wheel revolutions for one minute.
4. Optimum speed should be between 30 and 34 RPM.
If count is
less than 30 RPM:
• Verify that all suction lines are closed except for the one utilized by the Polaris.
• Verify that pool filter and pump basket are clean.
• Check hose cuffs and connections for leaks that cause loss of flow.
For dedicated suction line installations, adjust valve in equipment area until proper wheel
RPM is reached.
k v
e settings f
or reference.
• For skimmer installations, turn knob on flow regulator clockwise until proper wheel RPM
is reached.
If count is
more than 34 RPM:
or dedicated suction line installations
, adjust v
alve in the equipment area until the
correct wheel RPM is reached.
• For skimmer installations, turn knob on the flow regulator counterclockwise until the
proper wheel RPM is reached. If knob is turned all the way and the RPM is still above 34,
open main drain (or a second skimmer) until correct wheel RPM is reached.