Rear Shock Body Threads
Lubricate rear shock body threads
seasonally. We recommend the use
of Polaris Shock Thread Lubricant, a
silicone spray lubricant. This lubri-
cant is specifically designed for cold
temperatures and high loads. Other
silicone lubricants will not perform
as well. See page 110 for the part
numbers of Polaris products.
Driveshaft Bearing
Inject grease into the fitting on the
speedometer sensor housing until
grease purges from the seal on the
inside of the tunnel. This should
take approximately two pumps. Do
not use more than four pumps.
Throttle Cable
Lubricate the throttle cable lightly
with grease or oil. With the engine
off, turn the handlebars to the left
and lubricate liberally as shown.