Equipment Modifications
All POLARIS snowmobiles have been designed and tested to provide
safe operation when used as directed. Failure of critical machine compo-
nents may result from operation with any modification; especially those
that increase speed or power. There is a significant possibility of loss of
control at higher speeds.
We are concerned for the safety of our customers and for the general
public. Any modifications to the original equipment of the vehicle cre-
ate a substantial safety hazard and increase the risk of bodily injury.
Therefore, we strongly recommend that consumers do not install on a
POLARIS snowmobile any equipment that may increase the speed or
power of the vehicle, or make any other modifications to the vehicle for
these purposes.
The warranty on your POLARIS snowmobile is terminated if any equip-
ment has been added to the vehicle, or if any modifications have been
made to the vehicle, that increase its speed or power.
Failure to follow the warnings in this manual can result in severe injury or
death. Read and understand the owner's manual and all warning decals
before operating a POLARIS snowmobile. Adults must thoroughly explain this
information, including all safe operating procedures, to all operators of the
snowmobile. All operators must be at least six (6) years old and must under-
stand the consequences and risks if they choose to ignore or neglect this