Safety Warnings
Crossing Hillsides
Driving on a sidehill is not recommended.
Improper procedure could cause loss of control
or overturn. Avoid crossing the side of any hill
unless absolutely necessary.
If crossing a hillside is unavoidable, always
follow proper procedures as described in the
owner's manual. See page 61.
Stalling While Climbing a Hill
Stalling or rolling backwards while climbing a hill
could cause an overturn. Maintain a steady
speed when climbing a hill.
If you lose all forward speed:
Apply the brakes gradually until the vehicle is fully stopped. Place the
transmission in reverse and slowly allow the vehicle to roll straight downhill while
applying light brake pressure to control speed.
Operating in Unfamiliar Terrain
Failure to use extra caution when operating
on unfamiliar terrain could result in an
accident or overturn.
Unfamiliar terrain may contain hidden rocks,
bumps, or holes that could cause loss of
control or overturn.
Travel slowly and use extra caution when
operating on unfamiliar terrain. Always be
alert to changing terrain conditions.