
ECM or Sure Power Box
ECM Located Under Front Cover
The ECM (Sure Power Box) integrates three
electronic features found on the Polaris ATV. These
features are alternator rectifier/regulator, engine
temperature controller, and solid state circuit
breaker outputs.
The regulator takes the output of the 3--phase
alternator and applies it to the battery. SCR’s areused
to connect and disconnect the alternator from the
battery to achieve regulation of the battery voltage.
The regulator circuit produces current on the
BATTERY pin (Pins E & F). If a high voltage transient
is detected on the BATTERY pin this causes the
regulator to assume an open battery condition. The
high voltage transient will cause the regulator to turn
off for a short period of time. If there truly is an open
battery then the regulator will remain off as the
minimum battery requirement will not be met. The
regulator will not turn on unless there exists a battery
voltage in excess of the minimum battery voltage
Engine Temperature Controller:
The engine temperature controller has several
features. Its primary function is to control the fan
motor. The fan motor is turned on and off at preset
temperatures as determined by the engine
temperature thermistor. If the engine temperature
continues to rise it will turn on an engine hot indicator.
The module also contains provisions for detecting an
open thermistor. An open thermistor will cause the
engine hot indicator to light and cause the fan motor
to come on.
The engine temperature controller is enabled by the
RUN signal (Pin G). The controller can only come on
if the RUN signal is active. The engine hot output
provides a grounded output for a lamp. When the
engine hot output is on it blinks on and off. The FAN
output (Pin J) is protected against short circuit and
overload by electronic means internal to the module.
The FAN output has a linear current limit. If the
maximum temperature of the switching device is
exceeded the fan output will turn off until the device
has cooled.
Solid State Circuit Breaker Outputs:
The module provides two solid state circuit breaker
outputs. The first output (BAT_PROT) is active at all
times. This output is routed to the key switch and the
left handcontrol assembly to provide power for lamps,
pod, and front hub coils. The second output
(ACC_PWR) is enabled by the RUN signal. This
second output is used for accessories.
The BAT_PROT output is protected from overloads
and short circuits. If a overload or short circuit occurs
that output turns off. The output can be reset by
removing load from it by turning the key switch or
LHCA switch off.
The ACC_PWR switch has a linearcurrent limit. If the
maximum output current is exceeded the output
voltage will be reduced. If the maximum temperature
of the solid--state device is exceeded it will shut off.