Introduction 3
System requirements
Using the DMC software to view and capture pictures taken
with the DMC camera requires the following hardware and
software. If you do not have the required configuration,
contact your Polaroid dealer.
· An IBM PC or compatible computer, with at least a 66 MHz
Pentium-class processor and 20 megabytes (MB) of RAM (32
MB recommended).
· Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT operating system.
· A monitor and graphics adapter capable of displaying 24-bit
color (16.7 million colors) is recommended for optimal
display of DMC pictures. (DMC software can be used with
monitors and adapters capable of displaying fewer colors,
but the quality of pictures displayed on the monitor may not
be satisfactory.)
· An ASPI-compliant SCSI adapter and the appropriate
Windows 95 or Windows NT drivers.
· A TWAIN-compliant image-processing application, such as
Adobe Photoshop, is recommended for working with DMC
pictures. If you do not have such an application, you can use
DMC Direct (provided and installed as part of the DMC
software) to capture pictures and save them on your
computers hard drive.)
· Light microscope with a .63 or larger C-mount adapter
· A PowerMac or PowerPC computer or compatible with a
PowerPC processor and 20 megabytes (MB) of RAM. (32
MB is recommended.)
· Apple system software version 7.5 or later.
· An image-processing application, such as Adobe Photoshop,
compatible with Adobe Photoshop plug-in modules, is
PC systems
PowerMac or
PowerPC systems