Bright scenes such as snow or beach
scenes are often underexposed. Dark
scenes are often overexposed. Exposure
compensation lets you adjust the metered
exposure +/– 3 stops in 1/2 stop
The metering system in this
camera averages the readings
from each active metering
segment to determine an
exposure that will achieve an
average middle grey tone on the
Use only the center metering
segment to lock the exposure
settings without locking the focus.
The exposure remains locked until
the spot/AE lock button is released.
• Pressing the spot/AE lock button sets
the flash to slow sync mode (p66).
EXPOSURE – Exposure Compensation
EXPOSURE – Spot Metering
2. Press and hold the spot/AE
lock button.
• and the locked exposure will be
displayed in the viewfinder.
3. Recompose the scene as
desired, then press the
shutter-release button all the
way down to take the picture.
• The exposure is held until the spot/AE lock
button is released.
1. Place the spot-metering area
on the subject whose
exposure you want to lock.
Press the exposure-
compensation button and turn
the control dial until the desired
compensation value appears in
the data panel.
• Exposure compensation remains until it is
reset or cancelled.
• To cancel exposure-compensation, repeat
the above procedure and select 0.0 or
press the program-reset button.
• Exposure compensation is not available in
Metered Exposure
Compensated Exposure
This effect is most visible when slide film is being used.
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