Using Polaroid PhotoMAX Image Maker Software
Minimum System Requirements:
• IBM Compatible computer with a mouse
• Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98
• 16 MB of RAM (32 MB recommended)
• 90 MB available hard drive space
• Hi-Color display adapter (True Color recommended)
• 16-bit display card (24-bit display card recommended)
• Color monitor
• 2X or faster CD-ROM drive
• Sound card (recommended)
It is recommended that you set your display to 24-bit color (True Color) or 16-bit color
(High Color). True color provides millions of colors and gives a more realistic
representation of your images.
Getting Started
Before you begin to discover the fun and exciting features of using your Polaroid
PhotoMAX Image Maker Software, do the following:
1. Create digital images of your favorite things.
You can use a digital camera image, Web image, photo CD image, or scanned image
with your PhotoMAX Image Maker Software.
2. Turn off your computer.
3. Connect one end of the serial cable to the back of the computer and connect the other
end of the cable to the digital port on the digital camera.
4. Turn on the camera, then turn on the power to your computer. Use the AC adapter
whenever possible to extend the life of your batteries. A No Space message appears
on the LCD display when there is no more room in the flash memory or on the
memory card.