Polaroid PDC 3070 Digital Camera User Guide
1. Before you begin, close all other software
applications open on your computer.
2. Insert the CD supplied into the computer
CD-ROM Drive.
3. The CD User Interface Screen will
automatically launch.
4. With the mouse, click on each software
interface button in turn and follow the on
screen instructions.
Open & Close
If the setup screen doesn’t appear after
loading the CD, then you can manually start
it by double-clicking the “My Computer”
Icon on your desktop, then double-clicking
the icon for the CD-ROM drive. When the
CD-ROM window opens, double-click the
For Macintosh Users:
1. Before you begin, close all other software applications opened on your
2. Insert the CD supplied into the computer CD-ROM Drive.
3. Double click the CD-ROM icon “Polaroid”.
4. Install the software included.