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IP200 Manual
1. Use only the power adaptor that comes with the product. DO NOT attempt to
substitute it with any other as other adaptors may cause damage to your unit.
2. Make sure the camera unit is mounted in an indoor environment where rain
or other forms of moisture cannot get into it.
3. DO not touch or re-adjust the lens in any way. The focal point of the camera
was pre-set at the factory. If you turn the lens you may interfere with the way
the quality of the images are received.
4. DO not force the Pan/TIlt by hand
5. For any rmware upgrades or connection to any other external devices,
please read all instructions within the installation CD.
2.1 IP Camera Tool
Once you’ve mounted your IP camera, and installed the software, it is time to
see if you can access it remotely.
Start by double clicking on IP Camera Icon
on your desktop. A dialog
box will appear on your computer screen
Figure 1.9
Note: The software is designed to automatically search for IP Camera servers
over the LAN. One of the following 3 scenarios will present itself:
1. After about 1 minute, if the software does not nd an appropriate IP camera
server on the LAN, it will indicate “No IP server found” and automatically shut
down the program.
2. After about a minute, the software will detect all the cameras on the LAN and
each camera will be listed on your computer screen as shown in gure 1.9. If
you’re installing your rst camera, it will naturally be the only one listed.
3.You will discover that several of the IP cameras installed on the LAN do not
share the same subnet with the monitoring PC. This will be indicated by a
prompt that will tell you: Subnet does not match, double click to change.
Left click to choose the prompt and then right click to set the static IP address of
the camera to the same subnet as your PC over LAN. (see gure 2.3)
NOTE: If the subnet does not match, remember you can choose “Obtain IP from
DHCP Server”. The default of the camera is set to “Obtain IP from DHCP Server
“which means it will automatically get a dynamic IP for you (see gure 2.2)
Choose the IP Camera list and right click on your mouse for the following
options will appear in a window.
Options are: Basic Properties, Network Conguration, Upgrade
Firmware, Refresh Camera List, Flush Arp Buffer, About IP Camera
Figure 2.0
Polaroid • Software Polaroid • Software