18 Guide to better pictures
Subject too dark Cause
Camera’s photocell mea-
sured the bright window
light, causing the subject to
be too dark.
• When a bright source of
light (lamplight, candle-
light, etc.) is in the central
part of the scene and in
front of the subject, the
camera’s photocell will
measure the bright light,
causing the subject to be
too dark.
Reposition subject away
from the bright back-
• Move the source of light to
one side of your subject so
it is not in the central part
of the scene.
Background too dark Cause
Background was too far
from subject.
• Subject may have been
beyond flash range.
Place subject near a back-
ground and keep the pic-
ture control in the normal
• Stay within flash range of
2 to 15 feet (0.6m to 4.6m),
and keep the picture con-
trol in the normal position.