Figure 2-8 A S8 - S9 Exposure counter switches
h- Switch S8 (Figure 2-8 A) is part of the exposure
counter operated by the counter wheel. As S7
closes, power is applied, ejecting the dark slide.
After the dark slide ejection, the counter wheel
turns, opening S8. S8 then remains open until
the lm pack is removed. When the pack is taken
out, S8 closes.
i- Switch S9 is near S8 on the exposure counter
assembly. When the counter reaches the 0
position, switch S9 closes and the ECM inhibits
the falsh-ring function, so that if an unused bulb
is still available it will not be wasted.
j- For an handy summary, see the Switch Function
The following paragraphs describe the sequence
in which operate during normal operation of the
a- The operator opens the camera. Switch S6
connects the battery to the camera circuitry.
c- The operators open a lm pack. (when the
previously used lm pack was removed, a
b- The operator opens the front cover. Switch
S7 opens and removes battery power from the
3. Function Sequence
Switch Action Result
1 closes
Initiates exposure cycle and causes circuitry to take and
deliver the pictures.
2 closes Connects circuitry to take ash pictures.
3 opens
Initiates «Y», 40 milliseconds delay. (Power down
solenoid #2 in the ash mode)
CA closes
Controls power to solenoid #1 (drop current to holding
CB closes Signals the ECM to start the motor.
5 opens / closes
Stops motor both by closing and opening depeending upon
sequence of action and internal circuitry.
● Connects the battery to the electronic circuitry when the
camera is open to use.
opens ● When the camera closed, cuts power from battery.
7 closes
When S8 is also closed, it provides power to the camera
when the front power is latched (for dark slide eject). Also
acts as an interlock during normal picture taking.
8 closes
Enables (with S7 closed) the circuitry to eject dark slide.
Opens again after the dark slide is ejected.
9 closes Prevents ring ash if lm pack counter is on «0».