
Base Number (RPN)
The RPN value can be read in the hand-
set and can be in decimal or hex value.
The hex value is read in the test mode
* 99989 *, and the decimal value is in the
test mode * 99981 *.
MASK is shown in decimal and tells how
many bits the handset has to consider in
the RFPI number.
RFPI = 100200E606h
0001 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 1110 0110
0000 0110b
If the MASK value is 00 the handset will
look for all base stations in all the DECT
systems in the area.
If the MASK value is 32 it is only the ARI
number, which will be taken into conside-
ration, and the handset will look for all
base stations in the system.
If the MASK value is 40 the handset will
look for only one base station in one
When the RFPI/MASK value is entered
the handset will scan for base stations
each time the handset finds a new base
stations. When a base station changes
place in the index, a tone is generated.
The base stations are sorted after the
po wer in the index. It is possible to chan-
ge between the base stations with the ar -
(Please refer to the menu structure).
1415 0200-ed2:14473_KT_1415 0200 ed1 06-12-2007 15:2