Pre-Installation Verification
Verify Pre-Installation Requirements
Check the site to be sure pre-installation work has been completed
correctly. This includes:
• Location chosen for the SpectraLink 8000 Telephony Gateway is
adequate and power is available.
• APs are interoperable with SVP and coverage is adequate.
• Telephone lines for the wireless devices are installed and properly
• When installing a TGA116, the grounding terminal in the rear
panel of each unit must be electrically connected to earth ground.
See Chapter 6 Install SpectraLink 8000 Telephony Gateway -
Grounding instructions.
• Dedicated line is available for remote access to diagnostic modem.
• Telephone system administrator is on-site to program the existing
telephone system.
Check Components
The following items should be at the installation site.
• SpectraLink 8000 Telephony Gateway: Depending on the size
of your system there may be four or more SpectraLink 8000
Telephony Gateways which will be linked together to support
additional users.
• AC Adapter: Supplies power to the SpectraLink 8000 Telephony
Use only the provided Class II AC Adapter with output 24V DC, 1A.
PN: 1725-36028-001_T.doc