
Load Balancing
In standard usage scenarios, web viewers log in to the presenting QSX to receive higher
quality images and content. In certain situations, the maximum transmission bandwidth
that has been configured will be exceeded because H.323 will use a pre-determined
bandwidth. In these cases, the web viewers are re-directed to a receiving QSX to reduce
the bandwidth usage by the presenting QSX.
The QSX will search all remote parties to determine if there is another QSX unit
participating in the session. For external web viewers participating in the session, the
QSX will also determine if the second QSX unit has NAT enabled.
In this situation, if load balancing is enabled in Time Sharing mode and the QSX has no
more than 64Kbps of bandwidth left from the H.323 connection, it will redirect a web
viewer to the other QSX.
To configure the Bandwidth settings described below, follow these steps:
1. Log on to the QSX Admin Web as described on Page 23.
2. Go to Admin Settings > Table of Contents > General Settings > Bandwidth
3. Choose to either enable or disable Load Balancing for Web Viewers.
4. Click on the Update button.