User’s Guide for Polycom HDX Systems and the Polycom Touch Control
Polycom, Inc. 23
The following HDX systems, running software version 3.0.3 or later, support
the UC Board:
• Polycom HDX 7000 HD system with Hardware Version C or D
• Polycom HDX 8000 HD system with Hardware Version B
• Polycom HDX 9006
Save and Retrieve Features
UC Board includes the following save and retrieve features:
• Save and retrieve up to 200 images as JPEG files on a USB storage device
• Import and annotate existing JPEG images, such as PowerPoint slides,
then save changes to a USB storage device
• View saved slides and pages of thumbnail slides
• Delete slides from the USB storage device
Importing Slides or Graphics to a USB Storage Device for Use with
UC Board
To import graphic files or Microsoft PowerPoint slides to a USB storage device:
1 Insert a USB storage device into a USB drive on your Macintosh or
Windows computer.
2 On the USB storage device, create a new directory named
. This directory name is a requirement.
3 To save PowerPoint slides, complete the following steps. For other file
types, skip to the next step.
a Open the PowerPoint application, then open the desired presentation
b Save the presentation to the directory you created in step 2 as JPEG
File Interchange Format.
When asked, Do you want to export every slide in the presentation
or only the current slide?, select Every Slide and click OK.
4 To export graphic files, save them as .jpg format and then save the files to
your USB storage device.
5 Insert the USB storage device into the HDX system’s USB port.
You can save .jpg files up to 512 kb or 15840 x 8640. Larger files are not saved.