
Platform Versatility
Supports up to 4 HDX Microphone Arrays
Maximum coverage for extended rooms
Polycom StereoSurround support makes installing stereo even easier
Great audio pickup from every corner of the room
Each participant is near a microphone
Pin-point accuracy on the active speaker with multiple microphone arrays
Internal Multipoint Software
Optional upgrade easily done with a software key
Conduct meetings beyond just point-to-point
Increase productivity by including key people on the call
Adding sites during a call can lead to quick decision making
Supports up to 4 or 8 (HDX 9004) video calls in a single conference
High definition continuous presence supported on HDX 9002/4
Secure FTP, Telnet and Web
Polycom video systems are the most secure video conferencing solutions in the industry
All access to the HDX system can be secured including accessing the HDX system via
web-browser as well as secure telnet and ftp access via SSH for secure system
administration and application connectivity
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Communications are confidential and secure
Authentication by the National Institutes of Standards means it's credible
Built-in, no extra hardware required
H.460 NAT/Firewall Traversal
Standards compliance for traversing NATs and Firewalls
Session border controller (V2IU) is only needed at the central location and all VSX
systems with H.460 can communicate through the single V2IU
Uses H.460.18 for signaling traversal and call establishment and H.460.19 for media
IP (H.323, SIP), ISDN or Serial Connectivity
IP is standard and you choose the H.320 interface best for your application
Choose the right option for your specific network connection
Supports UPnP and NAT for automatic setup of conferences conducted through firewalls
Wide range of IP QoS services to insure call quality and integrity
Optional H.320 interfaces include Quad BRI, PRI, V.35, RS-449 and RS-530
Multiple Use RS-232 Port
RS-232 port (2 ports on HDX 9004)
Integrate easily with control panels.
E-Mail dialing format when dialing across IP
security boundaries
Easy and intuitive E-mail video dialing
Operates with Polycom's V2IU™ Firewall Traversal Appliance
Deployable to wide range of customers, suppliers and partners
Part of Polycom’s Unified Collaborative
Remote management, scheduling and gatekeeping functionality available with
ReadiManager SE200
Expand the audience over audio and video with an RMX™ bridge
RMX Click & View™ offers a variety of layout templates for multipoint call right from
the system’s handheld remote
Video recording, streaming and archiving with the Polycom RSS 2000™
and VMC 1000
Solid, reliable platform
Qualified by independent test labs
Interoperates with other vendor's systems
Easy to install even in a multi-vendor environment
Baseline Mode
Set your system to baseline mode, H.261 and G.711, for maximum interoperability with
legacy video conferencing systems
Accessible via web, FTP or on-screen UI for easy access by the network administrator
Can be turned on and off as needed
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Polycom, Inc. in the U.S. and various countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All prices are US MSRP. Specifications and pricing
subject to change without notice. This is preliminary information. Subject to change without notice.