KIRK Wireless Server 1500 Installation and Maintenance
72160400_issue_B 48
Deployment/Demonstration Kit, 29
Handset Belt Clip, 30
Handset Case, 29
Handset Charger, 29
Handset Programming Kit, 29
Handset Safety Line, 29
Headset, 29
Administration Program, 30
Analog Interface card
Installation, 36
Supports up to 8 analog lines, 36
Base Stations, 5, 20
Antennas, 20
Coverage radius, 20
Indoor/outdoor installation, 21
Installation do's and don'ts, 42
Maximum repeaters per, 22
Mounting, 38
Number of calls supported, 20
Power wiring, 20
Specifications, 21
Wiring, 37
Expansion card
Installation, 35
Handset, 5
Activating the signal meter, 17
Handset Belt Clip, 30
Handset Case, 29
Handset Safety Line, 29
Handsets supported on the KWS1500, 24
Headset, 29
IPEI (serial) number, 6
Programming Kit, 29
Installation, 33
Analog Interface cards, 36
Base Station and Repeater do's and dont's, 42
Base Stations, 21, 38
Expansion card, 35
Repeaters, 40
Internal hardware
Analog Interface card, 28
Construction, 33
Expansion card, 27
Expansion modules, 25
Installation, 32
Tools required, 32
KWS1500 Solution
Accessories, 29
Analog Interface card installation, 36
Analog Interface cards, 28
ARI number, 6
Base Stations, 5
Expansion card, 35
Expansion card, 27
Handsets, 5
Installation, 33
Interior, 34
Internal hardware, 25
Internal hardware installation, 32
Overview, 5
Programming Tools, 30
Radio hardware, 20
Repeaters, 5
Specifications, 26
Supports 32 Base Stations, 8
Supports 64 Handsets, 8
Programming tools
Administration Program, 30
Handset Programming Kit, 29
Programming cables, 30
Service cables, 30
Service Tool, 30
Radio coverage
Areas, 8
Hot spots, 14
Measurement values, 15
Overlap, 11
Planning, 8
Q-value, 15
Radius, 8
RSSI value, 16
Seasons, 15
Shadows, 15
Weather conditions, 15
Radio hardware
Base Stations, 20
Handsets, 24
Repeaters, 22
Repeaters, 5
Antennas, 22
Configurations, 22
Do not increase number of active voice channels, 22
Installation do's and dont's, 42
Jump configuration, 23
Maximum, per Base Station, 22
Minimum Base Station RSSI value, 22
Mounting, 40
Multi-cell environment, 23
Specifications, 23
Signal meter
Base Station hexadecimal numbering, 19
Display, 18
Performing measurements, 17